
Species-level challenges need large-scale cooperation.

Large-scale cooperation works best with a well fueled treasury.


Use tokenomics to bootstrap a neo-economic-system with unique incentive structures that focus on building, aligning & enabling a generative community.


An experimental neo-economic-system with an inflationary monetary policy and burn-value capture mechanism.

We build products, both in-house and as partners (providing liquidity like a bank or VC in exchange for debt or revenue share).

First Product - HotSwap

A modified uniswap fork deployed on xDAI allowing for x500 cheaper transaction cost, equipped with unique incentives aimed at attracting long-term capita and enabling a (healthy) long-tail of trading pairs.

Second Product - BCN-Venture-Fund:

A venture fund, filled (currently) by 40% of BCNs inflation, intended to incentivize other monetizabel ventures (This is the heart of BCNs long-term value proposition).

Third Product - Weeve:

An MVP for our automated communication protocol that immediatly includes everyone, no matter how large the group is. The MVP automates the tested 1-2-4-All Liberating Structure but the long-term Vision for Weeve is to enable a plethora of communication protocols.

We use this in-house to generate a strong community & even incentvice participation. See calendar to participate.

Weeve-verse is the structure browser. You can instantly deploy and use a structure in the cloud in exchange BCN token.